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Tuesday, April 16, 2013


Greetings are used to say hello in English. It's common to use different greetings depending on whether you greet a friend, family or a business associate. There are also greetings that are used with people you do not very well.

English listening Beginner

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Talking about Occupations

Speak  English speaking Beginner

Match the occupation with the daily activity.
    1. Mechanic
    2. Teacher
    3. Dentist
    4. Doctor/Nurse 
    5. Journalist
    6. Fisherman
    7. Gardener
    8. Chef/Cook
    9. Fire fighter
    10. Photographer
    1. catch fish
    2. take pictures
    3. fix cars
    4. cook meals
    5. pull teeth
    6. plant flowers
    7. put out fires
    8. take care of patients
    9. teach classes
    10. write news stories

Use the occupations and activities to make conversations like the one above.

Mark: Hi Peter! How are you doing these days?
Peter: Oh, Hi Mark. I'm not doing very well, actually.
Mark: I'm sorry to hear that. What seems to be the problem?
Peter: ... you know I've been looking for work. I can't seem to find a job.
Mark: That's too bad. Why did you leave your last job?
Peter: Well, my boss treated me badly, and I didn't like my chances of advancing in the company.
Mark: That makes sense. A job without opportunities AND a difficult boss isn't very attractive.
Peter: Exactly! So, anyway, I decided to quit and find a new job. I sent out my resume to more than twenty companies. Unfortunately, I've only had two interviews so far.
Mark: Have you tried looking online for a job?
Peter: Yes, but so many of the jobs require moving to another city. I don't want to do that.
Mark: I can understand that. How about going to some of those networking groups?
Peter: I haven't tried those. What are they?
Mark: They're groups of people who are also looking for work. They help each other discover new opportunities.
Peter: That sounds great. I'll definitely try some of those.
Mark: I'm glad to hear that. So, what are you doing here?
Peter: Oh, I'm shopping for a new suit. I want to make the best impression possible at my job interviews!
Mark: There you go. That's the spirit. I'm sure things will look up for you soon.
Peter: Yes, you're probably right. I hope so!
Reported Conversation
Mark: I saw Peter today.
Susan: How's he doing?
Mark: Not too well, I'm afraid.
Susan: Why's that?
Mark: He told me had been looking for work, but hadn't found a job.
Susan: That surprises me. Was he fired or did he quit his last job?
Mark: He told me his boss had treated him badly. He also said he didn't like his chances of advancing in the company.
Susan: Quitting doesn't sound like a very wise decision to me.
Mark: That's true. But he's been working hard at finding a new job.
Susan: What's he done?
Mark: He said he had sent out his resumes to more than twenty companies. Unfortunately, he told me that only two had called him for an interview.
Susan: That's tough.
Mark: Tell me about it. However, I gave him some advice and I hope it helps.
Susan: What did you suggest?
Mark: I suggested joining a networking group.
Susan: That's a great idea.
Mark: Yes, well, he told me he would try a few groups.
Susan: Where did you see him?
Mark: I saw him at the mall. He told me he was shopping for a new suit.
Susan: What?! Buying new clothes and no work!
Mark: No, no. He said he wanted to make the best impression possible at his job interviews.
Susan: Oh, that makes sense.

Worksheets to download and print
1. Read!
2. Learn!
3. Practise!
4. Test yourself!
5. Play! Occupations

Monday, April 8, 2013

Describing a picture

Speak  English speaking Beginner

What do you see in the picture?
    There is a...          There's a
    There are some ...  There're some
    Is there a . . . ?
    Are there (some) . . . ?

    On the right/left
    Near the window
    By the door
    In the box
    On the chair
    Under the table

    The man is _______ ing
    The woman is __________ing


    What is the man/woman wearing?
    She/He is wearing a

    What do you think
    I think
    Tell a Story
      Yesterday, Ms. Jones . . .Use PAST tense

At a Store

Speak  English speaking Beginner

When you enter the store/start a conversation with the clerk:
What a clerk might say:
May I help you?
Can I help you?
Can I help you find something?
What can I do for you?
What a customer might say:
Excuse me. Do you work here?
Can I ask you something?
What a customer might respond:

    Yes. I'm looking for ________________.
    Do you have any ___________ (s)?
    Can you tell me where the ___________is/are?
When you check out/leave the store:Clerk:
    Did you find everything you needed?
    Did you find what you were looking for?
    Did you find everything okay?
    Will that be all (for today)?
    Is that everything?
    (Will there be) anything else?

Expressing Thanks

Speak  English speaking Beginner

Thanking someone

Thank you.
Thanks a lot.
Thank you very much.
Thank you very much indeed.
It was very kind of you.
I appreciate your help.
You’ve been very helpful.

Thanking someone who tires to help

Thanks anyway.
Thank you for (looking).
Thanks for (trying).
It doesn’t matter. Thanks.
Never mind. Thanks.

Responding to thanks

You’re welcome. (US)
Not at all. (formal, UK)
Don’t mention it.
(It’s) my pleasure.
It was nothing.
That’s alright/OK.
No problem.
Any time.

Thank you
I appreciate it.

Thanks for the tour.
Thanks for your time.
Thank you for the nice gift.
I appreciate your kindness.

Closing a Conversation

Speak  English speaking Beginner

Before closing
It's been nice talking to you.
Nice talking to you too.
(I'm sorry, but) I have to go now.

See you later.
See ya (informal)
Catch you later (informal)

These five questions will help you get to know people. They are simple questions with simple answers and provide information so you can ask more questions.
What is your name?
Where do you live?
What do you do?
Are you married?
Where are you from?
More questions for ...
These questions help to continue the conversation after your first question.
"What is your name?"
It's a pleasure to meet you. Where are you from?
That's an interesting name. Is it Chinese / French / Indian, etc.?
"Where do you live?"
How long have you lived there?
Do you like that neighborhood?
Do you live in an apartment or house?
"What do you do?"
Which company do you work for?
How long have you had that job?
Do you like your job?
What's the best / worst thing about your job?
What do you like best / least about your job?
"Are you married?"
How long have been married?
Where did you get married?
What does your husband / wife do?
Do you have any children?
"Where are you from?"
Where is ....?
How long did you live there?
What is XYZ like?
Do you like living here?
Hobbies / Free Time
These questions will help you continue conversations and find out more about people's likes and dislikes.
What do you like doing in your free time?
Can you play tennis / golf / soccer / etc.?
What kind of films / food / vacations do you enjoy?
What do you do on weekends / Saturdays?
More questions for ...
These questions will help you ask for more detail.
"What do you like doing in your free time?"
How often do you (listen to music, eat out in restaurants, etc.)?
Where do you (listen to music, eat out in restaurants, etc.) in this town?
Why do you like (listening to music, eating out in restaurants, etc.) so much?
"Can you play tennis / golf / soccer / etc.?"
Do you enjoy playing tennis /golf /soccer /etc.?
How long have you played tennis /golf /soccer /etc.?
Who do you play tennis /golf /soccer /etc. with?
"What kind of films / food / vacations do you enjoy?"
What's the best place to see /eat / go on vacations?
What's the best type of film /food / vacation, etc. in your opinion?
How often do you watch films / eat out / go on vacation?
"What do you do on weekends / Saturdays?"
Where do you go to ...?
Could you recommend a good place to (go shopping / take my children swimming / etc.)?
How long have you done that?


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